facebook :: import your blog posts
UPDATE: This tutorial is no longer current. When Facebook recently updated their site, they removed the options that are shown in this tutorial (probably because their blog import system didn’t work...
View Articleadd your blog posts to your facebook page automatically
Do you have a Facebook page for your business or organization where you would like to have your blog posts automatically posted/imported? Fortunately, there is a simple solution, a Facebook app called...
View Articleanother way to import your blog posts in to your facebook profile
Are you tired of the posting delay when you use Facebook’s Blog/RSS import function? Sometimes it can be days or even weeks before Facebook will import your blog posts. Sure, there is a way to manually...
View ArticleYes, You Can Import Your Blog to Your Notes on Facebook
I have written a few tutorials on how to import your blog posts into Facebook, however, one of them {here} is outdated. The other two tutorials were on using the RSS Graffiti App to import your blog...
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