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Yes, You Can Import Your Blog to Your Notes on Facebook


I have written a few tutorials on how to import your blog posts into Facebook, however, one of them {here} is outdated. The other two tutorials were on using the RSS Graffiti App to import your blog posts directly onto your wall and onto your page’s wall.

Personally, I prefer to use the RSS Graffiti App to pull in my blog posts, but it has been brought to my attention that some people still prefer posting their blog posts to their Notes. Those same people are trying to figure out if Facebook even allows this function anymore.

Yes, this function does still exist in Facebook – it’s just harder to find than before. If you’re wanting Facebook to automatically post your blog posts in your Notes section, this tutorial is for you. {Please note: This tutorial is for adding blog posts to your personal Notes section. Please see Ken’s comment below on the steps for importing your posts to your page’s notes.}

Start at your Facebook home page

Look in your left sidebar for "Notes", if you don't see it, click on "More".

Click on "Notes".

At the top of the middle column, you'll see "Write a Note" - click on it.

Look in the left sidebar for "My Notes" - click on it.

Look in the left sidebar again, you should see "Edit import settings" - click on it.

Now you will need to enter your blog URL/address or your feed address. I recommend using a feedburner address. Check the box next to the permission statement - read it first. And then click "Start Importing".

If everything goes well, you'll receive this preview message of the imported blog. If you get an "Import Failed" message, scroll down to see what you should do. Otherwise, if everything looks okay click "Confirm".

Congratulations, your blog posts have been imported to your "Notes". Your "Notes" should look similar to this photo.

Hopefully, your importing went as smoothly as outlined in this tutorial. However, if it didn’t go smoothly and you received this error instead:

There are a couple different options for you.

  • Keep trying: It took me 3 days to do this tutorial because I received this “Import Failed” message for the first 2 days. Finally, on the third day (today), I received the “Notes” preview message.
  • Check validation of feed & contact Facebook: Enter your feed address at http://www.feedvalidator.org/ or http://validator.w3.org/feed/ to make sure it’s a valid feed. If it is, tell Facebook you’re having trouble at their “My Notes Won’t Import” form.

I do know that there used to be a lag time with how long it would take for your blog posts to show up in your Facebook notes. Sometimes it would take hours, days, or even weeks. I read on Facebook’s FAQ page for importing/exporting notes that it can take up to a few hours to import new posts. If your import is taking longer, contact Facebook. After my previous issues with the Notes app, I chose to go with RSS Graffiti, and I’m very happy with that app. However, for those of you who prefer posting to “Notes”, now you know that it’s still possible & how to set it up.

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